
Friday, November 2, 2012

Angel Tree

As you can see by the buttons on the right, Reece's Rainbow's Angel Tree has begun!!  Sutton is my angel baby this year, and my goal is to raise $1,000 for his grant.   He's such a sweet baby, I can't believe he hasn't been scooped up by a family yet!  To recap my past years as a Christmas warrior:  Year one was Daniel, who is still waiting for his forever family, sadly.  Then was the 5/5/5 warrior campaign, to raise $5,000 for a child over the age 5.  I took part, not believing for a minute I'd raise that much money, but knew I'd give it my best shot!  I honestly don't recall how much I raised for that.  That was for Katelyn, and she has a FAMILY!!  Thank God!  They are on their way to her country to meet her and the other little girl they are adopting as I type this!  Last Christmas my child was Stacy.  Poor Stacy still waits.  She is blessed to have been added to Angel Tree this year, despite the fact that she is over age 5.  She already has a nice-sized grant of $4,000, but I pray the addition of funds will make it possible for a family to commit to her.  My heart aches for these unclaimed, abandoned kiddos.  On a happier note, Carolina, who I am guardian angel for, has a committed family!!  I am so excited for her!  I have been able to visit a bit with the momma, and she loves Carolina so much!  I am committed to helping her raise the additional funds they'll need to complete this process of bringing her home!
Sweet Lilly also still waits.  With a huge grant of almost $10,000, I cannot understand why.  This will be her last year on Angel Tree, as she will turn 6 in February.  My heart aches for her every day.  I pray every day for her family to find her.  I don't know what else to do. 
The last child that is heavy on my heart is Ekaterina.  I don't know what to say, just look at her pic and you'll see for yourself. 
Happily, ALL the kids on the Angel Tree have warriors!!  Some will be added during the season, and hopefully lots will be added to My Family Found Me!!  If anyone wants to sign up as a warrior, please let me know!! 

Sunday, September 30, 2012


This is a long over-due post, I'm sure no one was waiting for!  My point of this post is mostly for myself, but also for Kellan's caregivers, to help them understand his way of communication.  Kellan will turn 3 on Oct. 2, and likely start preschool for children with special needs soon after.  His daycare has grown accustomed to him, and I don't think they have too much trouble, but I know he gets frustrated when he's wants something and the person doesn't understand.  So my goal is to alleviate some of his frustrations!  Kellan has several words he says, and lots of signs, so here goes!

eat-sometimes he puts all his fingers in his mouth
drink-looks like he signs it next to his head instead of at his mouth
thank you-he makes a "gaa" or "ka" sound while holding out his hand, we are working on this!
Night-night-signs and says "Nuh", or "Ni"
kitty-makes whiskers sign with his hair
puppy, doggie
pig, and he snorts!
cry-he signs it in response to "what's a baby say" (waa, waa, waa)
bear (and roars)
sit-he does his pointer fingers and taps one on the other
done (holds hands out to sides)
ice cream!
Calliou (the cartoon!) he pulls on his ear, we don't know where he came up with this!!
down, he points down and says "dow"

Spoken words:
Ma-pretty much everyone is Ma!
mine, usually preceeded by NO!
boo (peek a boo)
down, sounds like dow

"woo woo"-puppy
tiger and bear-roars

Gives "five" and fist bump or knuckles

Gives kisses and hugs

He can identify our family members in photos, including my neice

He love to sing songs, Slippery Fish, Wheels on the bus, Twinkle Star

I'll edit this as I remember more, as he reminds me!  Haha! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Meet Brady Murray

Meet Brady Murray.  He is quite an amazing man.  So many of my fellow Reece's Rainbow advocates are women.  But now there's Brady.  He has taken us by storm and is doing wonderful things for RR.  Please read on, this is from his blog.  Keep up the awesome work Brady, and thank you!! The picture at the bottom is him and his adorable son!!

My family and I have loved being able to work on behalf of the children on Reece's Rainbow since finding this great organization. It's for this reason that I had a hard time sleeping because of the excitement after hearing about this announcement!

Two months ago, Ironman announced a contest called Kona Inspired. How it works is they have given the general public an opportunity to submit a 90 second video based around the theme, "Anything is Possible". Winners receive a spot to race in the Ironman World Championship in October, but most importantly, they will race as a media athlete and have the opportunity to share their story on NBC's nationally televised broadcast of the championship this year! THIS COULD BE OUR OPPORTUNITY TO SHARE THESE PRECIOUS CHILDREN'S STORY WITH THE WORLD!!!

After reading Ironman's press release we immediately went to work. This is an opportunity to help these children in a way that I never imagined possible! The video came together with the help of many wonderful people and we submitted it. 105 videos were submitted. After over a month long preliminary public voting, we just received word that we are one of the top 15 videos and will compete in the final round of voting June 4 - June 18!!!

Please take a moment to WATCH, VOTE, and SHARE our video as much as possible throughout the day from your home computer, work computer, laptop, phone, etc! We need to be in the top 2 videos at the end of the day on June 18.


Thank you for your time and willingness to make the dream of these orphans of finding their forever family a reality!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A second chance

This post will be short, but not very sweet. A dear child's photo has haunted me for months. She is almost 9 and lives in a mental institution, just because she has Down syndrome. Her "before institution" picture shows an adorable, somewhat chubby cheeked little darling. Her "after institution" picure shows an emaciated, drugged looking, sad, unaware angel. Is she being mistreated? Most likely. By staff, by other "inmates", because that's what it is, a prison. No, prison wouldn't be this bad. She's most certainly severely neglected. Older, stronger children probably steal her food. No one cares about her. No one. Not one person. Well, that's not true either. God cares. And She has an army of warriors who love her, and who are refusing to let her continue to go unnoticed. The biggest problem here is that she's in a region that's only open to Canadians. But nothing is too big for God. I have complete faith and confidence that her forever family is going to find her, and soon. Won't you please share her desperate situation? I apologize I cannot pst her photos here, I'm on my iPad and am not that tech savvy! So please follow the link and look at the horrific "after" photo. Then tell me she doesn't deserve a family. Please also see these wonderful posts about this angel as well!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Special Mother's

For Mothers Day I give all my dear special mommy friends this beautifully written piece by Erma Bombeck. It explains why so many of us do what we do, because God has allowed our eyes to be opened. My day will be dedicated entirely to my awesome kiddos! I hope you all have an amazing day! Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures and a couple by habit. This year nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen? Somehow I visualize God hovering over earth selecting his instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels to make notes in a giant ledger. "Armstrong, Beth; son. Patron saint...give her Gerard. He's used to profanity." "Forrest, Marjorie; daughter. Patron saint, Cecelia." "Rutledge, Carrie; twins. Patron saint, Matthew." Finally He passes a name to an angel and smiles, "Give her a handicapped child." The angel is curious. "Why this one God? She's so happy." "Exactly," smiles God, "Could I give a handicapped child to a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel." "But has she patience?" asks the angel. "I don't want her to have too much patience or she will drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wears off, she'll handle it." "I watched her today. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I'm going to give her has her own world. She has to make her live in her world and that's not going to be easy." "But, Lord, I don't think she even believes in you." God smiles, "No matter, I can fix that. This one is perfect - she has just enough selfishness." The angel gasps - "selfishness? is that a virtue?" God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a 'spoken word'". She will never consider a "step" ordinary. When her child says 'Momma' for the first time, she will be present at a miracle, and will know it!" "I will permit her to see clearly the things I see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice....and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life, because she is doing My work as surely as if she is here by My side". "And what about her Patron saint?" asks the angel, his pen poised in mid-air. God smiles, "A mirror will suffice."

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Dear sweet Mika

Dear Mika,
Dear sweet girl, I have decided to give you this name in my letter to you because it means "Gods Child". You may not be anyone else's child, but you are definetly Gods. Mika I have loved you since the day I first saw your photo on another blog. For over a year I have wondered why you wait still, why no one has come forward as your mommy. Not too long after I started praying for you I started to wonder, has your mommy not come because I am she? Has God led me to you because you are supposed to be my daughter? My husbands daughter? My kids' sister? I believe so Mika. I pray every day and night that God shows me the way to you. I pray that He wraps you in His love. I lay in bed at night wondering, did anyone hold you today? Did anyone hug you? Have you ever heard the words "I love you", Or "Я тебя люблю"? I hope so, but I have doubts. I wonder if you are scared, hungry, sad, hurting. Who comforts you when you have a tummy ache? Does anyone know exactly what to do to make you laugh? Do you ever have anything to even smile about? I know we could give you a better life, a life you deserve. My heart aches thinking of you spending day after day in a crib alone. If I could, I would come get you tomorrow. I keep thinking nothing, no one, should be standing in my way. There's a beautiful song I listen to often, and it always makes me think of you. It's called A Thousand Years. It's so beautiful, just like you. My favorite part "beauty in all she is. I will be brave. I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me". I will fight for you Mika. I will not give up. I will be brave. But you must be too. I know, you have been for 5 years, but you need to fight a little longer. Until you are home with your "matb", whether that's me or someone else, I will see that your life is not taken for granted. Until then Mika, listen to God whisper to you. He will tell you that you are not a mistake, that you are loved, you are wanted, your life is worth saving. I love you sweet Mika.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Teamwork Tuesday, Saving Stacy & OrphanLove

Yes, I do realize that it is Wednesday!  So I'm a day late and a dollar (at least) short, but here it is!  I'm taking the easy way out tho, and directing you to Melissa's blog!  I advocated for Stacy over the Christmas season, and duing that time fell in love with her.  She breaks my heart, so tiny, so sad.  Confined to a crib, and she's 5 years old!!  I know her momma is out there somewhere, and I pray she comes forward very soon!  Every day that she waits is another day that passes that she knows no love, that she's never been hugged, kissed, told that she is loved.  Will you pray for her with me?  And for her momma who's out there?  Hang in there little one! 

In the meantime, I have officially opened my Facebook "store", OrphanLove!!  Now I am REALLY excited about this because my mom is helping me make alot of the items (she's very crafty!) and all the proceeds will go to help Recces Rainbow orphans and families who are adopting them!  Now through Easter Sunday a portion of all the proceeds is going to the Rhodes' family, who is very close to going to rescue their 2 boys from Eastern Europe.  I "met" Mandy when the Christmas Angel season started last fall.  I have watched this woman selflessly advocate for other families and kids, trying to help them raise the money they need to go get their children, or find their families.  Well, now Mandy needs help, she needs to raise the last of the money they need to cross the ocean and get those boys!!  So visit my store and help them all at the same time!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Mulligan Stew Crew

I first must share about the awesome giveaway going on right now. My bloggy friend Julia came up with this great plan and asked for some help to set it in motion and before she knew it, 90 gifts worth over $4,500 had been donated! It's easy to enter, as little as 5 bucks gets your name in. Go to this post for all the amazing details!

Ok so I took down the chip-in. I know what I want to do, but wasn't quite ready to do it, and wasn't happy with the way I was going about doing it. I'll do another when all is ready and I've thought it all through. My mom is helping me and we are making some pretty cool stuff: blankets, lovies, doll clothes. Its a lot of work though!

Lastly, I am having a Silpada jewelry fundraiser for sweet Lilly on Reece's Rainbow. Her 5th birthday was last month, and I wanted to do something for her, and this opportunity came up, so I jumped in. So far, I don't think we've had any sales, but it goes until the end of the month. I'd really love to see her grant grow with this! Go here to see the products and order. When you place your order be sure to specify "Schye Family Fundraiser for Lilly" at checkout or she won't get credit. 25% goes to her!

And now to leave you with some cuteness ala Kellan. He is so funny!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Do you see the Chip-in?

I'd like to draw your attention to the right hand of your screen, >>>> see?!  I'm working on something, something very special, but I cannot reveal what it is, yet!  Now, I'm not asking you to donate to it for nothing in return, I will shortly be linking this post to a Facebook page that I am creating.  It will be full of crafty-type things available to "buy" via the chip-in.  Examples of items are of course the pillowcases my mom and aunt make and so generously donate to me, Down syndrome awareness angels, earrings, original paintings, etc.  I am very excited about this endeavor, but I can't do it without help, so if you find anything you like, buy, buy, BUY!!! 

Just a little Kellan to entertain you while you wait.  He pulled up to stand all alone the other day, I only caught the tail end (literally!) but you get the idea!  Note how excited he is for himself!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


My first statement here is to the "troll", Batya, Casey, whatever you are calling yourself today, go away and don't come back to my blog! Do not leave me a nasty comment, or a comment telling me how illegal everything is that we are doing. We do not need your advise or input. I really don't care that you don't like what I'm doing, or what other bloggers are doing. Maybe try some therapy, and there are lots of prayers being said for your cold hard soul!

There have been several blog posts in the past day or two that have really caught my attention...and my heart.  The first is by a momma in EE adopting and has been blessed to spend time with several of the other children in the orphanage.  In fact, when the orphanage workers saw a family come for one of their children, despite the fact that they were so shocked that someone would want them, they lined up the kids and took photos so as to list them and hopefully find them families.  Now several of them are listed on Reeces Rainbow!  Many of them are older and in desperate need of homes very soon, some have Down syndrome, some CP, some other needs.   Renee also offers an inside "mother's perspective" to these kids' abilities and personalities, and into adopting older children with special needs in general. Please visit Renee's blog here.

Next is Adeye's latest post.  She has opened her blog to others to share children who are in desperate need of homes, either because of severe, unaddressed medical problems, or institutionalization.  I don't know what to say.  The last time I looked the list had 94 children on it.  Including my sweet Lilly.  I'm obviously not the only one who fears for her life.  Please, go look at their sweet faces, and pray, donate if you can, and better yet, ADOPT one if you can!!

Last, but not least, I direct you to Jane. Jane lives in UK, and is going to visit an orphanage in EE...well, you can read her story.  She wants to help these kids, but can't do it alone.  Can we help her, help them?  I looked thru this post teary eyed, until a certain photo caught my eye...Stacy!  My darling Stacy, who I raised money for over Christmas is at this same orphanage!  Now this has special meaning to me!  I adore Stacy and pray every day for her family to find her.  This photo of Stacy in the crib is a new one, taken by a family who was there recently adopting two boys out of the same orphanage.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Kellan's physical therapy

Kellan has PT once per week, and he has the most amazing therapist.  She works his little tail off.  He fusses at her sometimes because he doesn't want to work, he wants to play!  This video is what Kristi would like to do the whole hour of therapy.

So he plays her game, he humors her a little (he's doing a great job walking, don't you think?) but soon enough he is showing Kristi what he would rather do the entire hour!

He's so funny, and quite a cutie too, so he gets away with alot!!

I want to share with you what I witnessed in the past 2 days.  There is a family, the Dirkes', who are adopting a little girl, Charlotte from Eastern Europe.  The region she is in requires 3 trips over there, with them being able to bring her home on the 3rd trip.  Their court date is February 14, and they were far from where they needed to be financially, despite a great fundraiser that had been going for quite a while.  Well, the Reece's Rainbow and adoptive parents community is far and wide, so a friend reached out to another friend, who is an awesome fundraiser and has an amazing list of "followers" on her blog and Facebook that answer the call when needed.  Patti   wrote a great post, and put the word out on the 'net that little Charlotte's parents needed some help.  And help they received!  In less than 36 hours almost $7,000 was raised for this family!  Enough to ensure they will leave Monday to go back to their girl.  They haven't seen her since November.  Three months.  My heart breaks for Charlotte, meeting her mommy and daddy, then having them leave, and not really understanding any of it.  But that is all about to change.  In March, they will go back a 3rd time, to bring this sweet girl home, forever.  The Dirkes' could still use a bit more help, for that 3rd trip.  Let me tell you that this $7K that was raised didn't come in $500 or $1,000 increments (although one kind soul did donate $1k!!)  It came in large part from $10 here, $25 there.  Yep, a whole lotta us who love the orphan, and demand to see them in a family, loved, sheltered, every need cared for.  If you feel you can help, please go to Patti's blog, there's a chip-in on the right side bar.  All donations are tax-deductable and go to Reece's Rainbow.  I go to bed honored and proud to be part of such an amazing community, most who have never laid eyes on one another, but still lay it all on the line for each other!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Prayer Warrior, Guardian Angel

Meet Sutton...I am his Prayer Warrior.  Isn't he adorable??  He is about 10 months old, and has Down syndrome.  I hope and pray his family will find him quickly so he can get started on early intervention and have the best chance at the best life!  Are you able to pray for a child to find a family?  If so, please go here.

Now meet Carolina. I am her Guardian Angel.  This is a new project through Reece's Rainbow that is for the children with other special needs besides Down syndrome.  Carolina is 5 and has Cerebral Palsy.  She's so cute!  She just received a large donation to her grant, so she is at $1,298.  She has already been transferred to a mental institution for adults, so she REALLY needs a family quickly! 

Both of these sweeties need additional funds added to their grants to help prospective families.  To make a tax-deductable donation, click on either of their names.  Thank you!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Thank You

I want to thank everyone who puts up with my repeated requests for prayers and donations to help "my" little orphans and the families who rescue them. I know that just because this is my passion, doesn't mean that it's yours. I have gotten many great comments from friends and family, complimenting me on what I am going to try to help. But I'm guessing there's some who just get annoyed and wish I'd leave them alone. And that's ok. If you are one in that group, feel free to not follow my blog, unfriend me on Facebook, tell me to stop sending you emails. I'm ok with that. Because guess what?! I'm NOT GOING TO STOP asking, begging, YELLING for these children who have been given NO chance at a life!! This could easily be my Kellan, and wouldn't you want to help him?

 Does he not deserve a loving family? If he does, then why doesn't Lilly? Or Sutton?

I "met" some great gals over the Christmas time fundraising on a special Facebook group RR arranged for us to network. And it was great! We worked together so well, I think there were about 150 of us on there, some young teens, some not-so-old grandmas. Some with no children, some pregnant that delivered new babies while fundraising! Lots of awesome fundraisers went on: jewelry of all sorts, neat picture-on a-bottle cap-keychains, quilts, even iPads and cameras! LOTS of money was raised. Totals are posted. Go check it out...pretty amazing!

Let me end this post by saying the vast majority of donations came from folks like you and I; $5 here, $10 there.  I would never ask anyone to give up their life savings, just a Starbucks, or DVD rental.  (note: if you happen to win the lottery, then be prepared for me to bug you for a little bit more!)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Katelyn has a family!!

Yes! Katelyn was my 5/5/5 child over the summer, which was Reeces Rainbows BIG fundraiser for all the children over the age 5. She is already transferred to an adult mental institution, so time is of the essence for saving her. As soon as I know who her family is, I'll share! Het photo is along my right side bar, she's so cute, but looks so terrified in her photo! Hang on baby girl, your momma and/or daddy's coming!