Tell me he's not the most handsome pilot ever!!
I can hardly believe Kellan is 5 months old already! He had a doctor appt on Wednesday and weighed in at 11 lbs 11 oz! He is starting to wear 3-6 month clothes and outgrowing size 1 diapers. He is getting very strong in the neck and holding his head up fairly well, but still has some work to do. As soon as he can hold his head up, we'll start feeding him cereal. At the first of this month, as I realized Kellan was approaching his 5 month birthday, I had a big dose of reality, just how delayed he is. I'm usually very careful not to compare him to other babies, or even his siblings at this age, but it's impossible to not think about it sometimes. Kellan's occupational therapist, Linda, set up a mom's and babies play group for her clients with infants and toddlers with special needs, and that has been wonderful. One of my best friends from grade school thru high school, Suzanne, her little sister has a 2 year-old boy with tetrasomy 18, a rare genetic disorder that results in delays. Anyway, they come to the group so she has been great to talk to. She said the reality checks are a part of life now, and we just have to accept that. There is one other mom with a little boy with a brain malformation, and then Piper and her mom. Piper is the little girl just older than Kellan with DS. One other mom and boy that will come eventually are the ones that are in Denver, because little Jack has leukemia. I'm so thankful to Linda for setting this up for us. Next month we may even venture out to lunch first-God bless the restaurant we pick!!
I was directed to a blog by my husband, who found it off a friend of his wife's blog, and wanted to share it with anyone who would like to read it. Her name is Kelle, and she has a baby girl with DS...well, I'll let you all read it for yourselves. Warning: have a box of tissues handy.
This so could have been written by me, well I can't express nearly that well, but the thoughts, feelings, are all so similar to my own. It's amazing how connected I feel to her, and I don't even know her. Some day, I will write Kellan's birth story.
Have I said how much I love this little boy?? He is so precious, growing and developing such a personality! Today I had a massage and he talked and cooed the entire 30 min!! We decided he remembered hearing the music and smelling the relaxing scent of oils, and was just plain happy. And he knew his momma was too!! Every time I get out the camera to take a picture of him smiling or video of him talking, he instantly turns serious and looks at the camera intently, silently! Like he's saying, no mom, I am too camera shy!
Today I got to spend the entire day with him alone. Justin's parents took Shelby and Tobin for the day, which was awesome and much needed! We took a long walk and just sat and cuddled. There's something about a baby that is so good for the soul.
Well, enjoy the pics, and Sarah and Aimee, thanks for visiting my site!!
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